Rembrandt van Rijn (Dutch, 1606-1669) Naked Woman Seated on a Mound 1631
why should i have to hide the body given to me? i didn't hide from the One in Eden. i refuse to wear shame over having BOOBS. i refuse to wear shame over having a Vagina. I refuse to wear shame for having a Uterus. the One sees me naked always. i follow Jesus. i do not even feign to pretend that i know the mind of Jesus; the ways of the One. there is no male. there is no female. my body is a temple and so i will bare it unashamedly in praise and glory to the One all the days of my life.

i wrote the above to a friend after a certain church-going friend with boobs told her that she would not be participating because '[her] body is for the glory of God'. at first, i was shaking. i was so angry at this person for taking an axe to my beautiful, powerful, and frail friend- in the name of God. i wrote a piece of my heart for my friend. .then, i was still. i have only sadness for this other person with boobs. she chooses to only hear what one sect of socio-historically limited religion tells her to listen to and believe. the One is not an American Reformation Bible'Belt-fostered deity-in-a-box. for this other person with boobs, anything i could possibly share would be outright refused; simply because i have the body to grow a baby & do not adhese my self to this person's religious traditions. finally, i breath. who am i to force any person to live as i live? haven't many of the world religions done quite enough of that throughout the last 2,000 years and beyond; yes. i will only love and wait. it is only the One's place to have the final and absolute say. no person knows what this is. i let it go. i live empowered. i live free. as only the One makes me free.