"I saw this big book in a shop window. i walk by this shop every weekend when i meander to the town center to people watch and ice-cream eat ;) The books in the window are usually photography or art collections, maybe an antique journal or two.
I fell in love.
This big book staring boldy through the glass was covered in a black&white photo of a front-facing naked woman. She stood tall and fierce. Her arms were crossed under her (enormous!) breasts and her pubic hair was wild and shameless. Her face. This is where I fell in love. She had her face turned a little with her chin slightly tilted to the sky.
"I am." That is what she said to me. I want to be that picture. I thought of you on the train; of sending you a a black and white photograph of me NAKED! jumping in the air with the sun behind me! So, just you wait until i find a nude beach. I am going to smile and laugh as BIG as i possibly can! and jump high into the sky! that will be my "I am." "