Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday- we forgot

ps I am currently reading A Whole New Mind (Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future) by Daniel H. Pink.

Please have something for me!!

[currently listening to The Sundays and just finished up some Live)

I wish I had a big kitchen that could feed the world.

What do you want from me God?! I ask in submission and exasperation.

Meh. I'll wait; where am I going anyway? :) Still somehow good inside today. Probably because I made berry banana pancakes for my roommate this morning- that was fun. Surprise!

Feeling Nothing Imparticular Friday Afternoon

I currently have Relax (Take it Easy) by Mika on my iTunes party playlist. Previously it was Baby it's Cold Outside by Dinah Shore. I faked a shower this morning. I kind of take on each night to wash my face and slough off the day. So, this morning I maneuvered my dome into the bathroom sink and soaked my hair as much as possible as I was not in my average patient morning mood. It didn't turn out very attractive due to my impatience. Bonnet day everyone.

Mmmm, The Proclaimers just came on...aaaaaah, I turn into jasmine vapor and float away. yay.

Well, I was running around with my husband these past days; celebrating his leave from Iraq. We rocked his mom's 50th with his family for 4 days and then escaped the draft to Canada! (jk) But we did go to Vancouver Island and then Vancouver City. Freaking sweet awesome trip! Sunshine everyday- that is unnatural.

[Fave movies crossing my mind right now: Fool's Rush In and Mama's Boy]

Back to Canadia- Victoria, BC is lovely. We hit up whale watching, Butchart Gardens (amazing!), and general meandering tourist places- oh ya! Craidorroch Castle! Crazy Victorian age and people building little 4 story castles for themselves. crazy.

Taking the ferries from America to the island to the mainland of BC were spectacular trips! I tried to imagine seeing the villages of the first peoples past the beaches we floated by. Breathtaking.

We hung out with our friends who just moved to Vancouver city last month to start a church/community/something God'Jesus up there. Their apartment sits above quirky shops and overlooks a happenin' park full of kids. ps, their walls are bright ducky yellow and it is magic. We found a Portuguese Club and a Portuguese restaurant- and, of course, my Portuguese husband had as experience both. Not bad. the club has good Caldo Verde, not the restaurant. The Restaurant was called Casa Verde and it wasn't bad; but I think we won't go again. The clubo gets a second chance.

We discovered this fabulous fabulous I want to eat there every day place called True North Gelato. Rustic personal pizza's done the old school way-mmmm. And, fresh, homemade gelato that hint of Eden's gardens- just sayin. It's good stuff to the max. The Irish Times Pub had great music the night we went- we're pretty sure it was Bob Dylan's aura manifested.

Word to the wise- don't eat at any of the places claiming to be Victoria's #1 whatever- they all tanked. Lame bucket of chum sauce. Ya. Well, you could try the Waterfront steakhouse, but it was kind of awkward where we were- try the instead of main seating.

Well, we drove back to America and met up with 'friends' the next day. It's awkward. Basically they all give me a panic attack in the environment we have in common- a church. And- I let them all know two months ago that he was coming on leave from Iraq and what day and time to come over- and I reminded them twice. Thanks for showing up everyone- not. We have our genuine friends from the bunch well in heart- so, no real surprise at the rest I suppose.

[arg, I cannot find The Venetian Citizen's Waltz on iTunes and I am sad]

On a happier note- I planned an awesome surprise party for my husband with a select group of close friends at his favorite place- of course, it is Portuguese. Brazilian if you want to get technical bla bla. I blindfolded him with my pink elastic headband- baha, so great. He and no idea and it was a wonderful night for everyone.

The last two days we spent alone together, doing nothing. We had the boys he mentors over for pizza ans catching up (but we forgot his birthday! we just found out and we are fixing that situation!) The next day we bought him some much needed pants, had Chipotle, watched some tv episodes online, and enjoyed his last days this trip. It was a special trip, thank you God for letting us see so any people we care for and blessing our marriage with this time together. :)

I think I am blogged out for now... (sigh) :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

I hate my cat and I wish he would run away forever Monday

This weekend I painted my room- I am crazy. Aside from smears on the baseboards and the ceiling, it looks good. Now I just need to brave the fiendish dishes and laundry haunting my house. It's times like these when I summon my inner Beastmaster.

Band of the day- Mika.

My husband is totally cleaning the litter box when he gets here tomorrow. Kitty's welcome home present.

Jesus, what if I don't wake up in the morning? I guess that's all up to you, really. I just want to be living right by you- am I? I don't know. I want to. That's where I am. Help me move where you want me to go.

WTF Adam and Eve.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Weirdy Dreamy Thursday morning

It took me forever to fall asleep last night. When I did it was for short spurts of unconsciousness. I had a nightmare that my friend just walked away and never saw me again. I had a nightmare that her brother did the same soon after. I had a nightmare that my family lived in my house but I was back in high-school and we were cussing each other out (like the 'good old days') and it all ended up being my fault (like the 'good old days'). Then I had a nightmare that just had me in random situations with people who had left my life, that I had left theirs, or that were just about out of my life but are too afraid to just get it over with. Needless to say I am ass tired (whatever that means but that is what came to mind). I have to go take a shower and shave my legs now so that I can go spend the day helping a loved one scour and organize her life. That I will enjoy- just please, Jesus, don't let me be a slow-poke in my tiredness.

What a night. What a morning.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I really want to type the F-word but for some reason I am not going to right now Wednesday

God- where do I belong!!!! I know that Jesus people are supposed to get connected- but where do you want me to go and do that?! I need at least some shard of a base camp or something! Where!

Message to Nameless Church guy-

'Thank you for the books.

Maybe, instead of asking for contact info right of the bat, you guys could just take people to lunch or have lunch after the gathering. That way you just chill and get to know the people first.

That is less contractual for us skeptics of organized church.

Don't ask us to commit, just ask us to lunch.'

( I know that guy didn't mean anything by it, but it sent me off and here I go again:)

Ask me to lunch, damn it! Stop asking me to warm your fucking seats with my well behaved ass to be a number! Stop talking at me and start talking WITH me! LISTEN TO ME!!! Stop patronizing me! Stop glamorizing me! I am just a fucking fucked up child of God- just like you; so admit that you're fucked up too and get over it! Stop trying to get it all together, stop using fucking power point- STOP TALKING MORE THAN YOU ARE LISTENING TO US!!! We keep trying to say this to you but you won't shut up long enough to let it through! Just be our friend and let the rest go, damn it. Start there.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Undercooked pasta depresses me- deep down...gah! My soul hurts! How could I let this happen!?! Why? Oh Why!!! Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! A-go-ny!! A-go-ny!! And then, they came out half cold from the reheat....(fetal position...while maintaining the capacity to type). Oh, what a world!!!! (internal sobbing)

There's only one thing in existence to right this wrong!

Monday, February 2, 2009


6 more weeks of Winter, folks. Happy Groundhog's Day! I'm going to celebrate with an ice cold bowl of crunchy cereal!

-Totally going next year!!

Check out Phil's official website!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Sunday

I think I am on the verge of becoming a complete vegetarian. It's been slowly creeping up over the past few years. I don't really do red meat- or poultry for that matter. I am currently succumbing to shrimp and fish; too good to pass up. (And since padre in law is making ciopinno in two weeks- I refuse to renig.)

I am pretty much over the vaccination induced fever of yesterday (yay Western medicine). maybe I'll eat something besides low-sodium crackers and cold water today...

Well, back to the vegemiteness. I am definitely going to subscribe to the Vegetarian Times magazine. There is also this fab (not veg) website for grocery shopping locally- . I don't think they serve everywhere, but I bet contacting them could get you resources for your area. Totally jived to use it!

One of my super super favorite songs of the moment has been Pressure Drop by Toots and the Maytals; it just fills me up with goodness! Sooooo good!

Oh! ps! Happy February everyone! Tomorrow is one of my most favorite holidays every- Groundhog's Day! Next year, I am totally dragging my husband up to see Punxsutawney Phil! It's just so ridiculous, I can't resist! It makes me giddy on the point of hysteria! (satisfied sigh) Punxsatawney Phil is my, groundhog. (baha)

I am on my third reading of the Twilight saga. Now I can slowly devour each page; catching all the details I missed. Mmm happiness. I am halfway through Eclipse and soaking it up. My obsession stems from being away from my husband for an extended period of time. Oh, love stories. If it wasn't this series it would be Sense and Sensibility, Jane Eyre, Rose Daughter, and Spindle's End absconding with my time. (smile)

Today's song is dedicated to my husband- Doctor My Eyes by Jackson Browne.
To you, darling, for belting this chorus everywhere we went for 3 months straight. here's to you, you musical anomaly, I wouldn't have you any other way. (smiley sigh) I love you.

Well, time to get down domestic style and shake up this shin dig (clean el casa). Love you World full of People.