Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I really want to type the F-word but for some reason I am not going to right now Wednesday

God- where do I belong!!!! I know that Jesus people are supposed to get connected- but where do you want me to go and do that?! I need at least some shard of a base camp or something! Where!

Message to Nameless Church guy-

'Thank you for the books.

Maybe, instead of asking for contact info right of the bat, you guys could just take people to lunch or have lunch after the gathering. That way you just chill and get to know the people first.

That is less contractual for us skeptics of organized church.

Don't ask us to commit, just ask us to lunch.'

( I know that guy didn't mean anything by it, but it sent me off and here I go again:)

Ask me to lunch, damn it! Stop asking me to warm your fucking seats with my well behaved ass to be a number! Stop talking at me and start talking WITH me! LISTEN TO ME!!! Stop patronizing me! Stop glamorizing me! I am just a fucking fucked up child of God- just like you; so admit that you're fucked up too and get over it! Stop trying to get it all together, stop using fucking power point- STOP TALKING MORE THAN YOU ARE LISTENING TO US!!! We keep trying to say this to you but you won't shut up long enough to let it through! Just be our friend and let the rest go, damn it. Start there.


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